Using the Family Bank Internet Banking Spending Report
The Spending Report personal financial management tool can be used to categorize your spending and give you a clear picture of your financial status (and where all of your money is going!)
When you log in to the Family Bank Internet Banking site, you will see the Spending Report "widget" displayed automatically. The widget will automatically select the first account from your account list and display transactions from the previous day to the current day. If you haven't had any transactions during that time frame, it will look like the picture below:
You can change the account that is displayed on the report by clicking the drop down menu and choosing the appropriate account. To change the range of dates that display on the report, you can either manually type the dates in the "From" and "To" date fields or you can click the calendar icons next to the fields and choose the dates you want displayed.
Once you have chosen the account and date range you want displayed on the report, click the "Chart my spending" button to see a spending chart and a list of categorized expenses. It should look similar to the picture below:
Automatic Categorization for Some Transactions
You will notice that some of your transactions have been automatically placed into categories for you. This is because we have set up automatic processing rules that recognize some transactions and place them in the appropriate categories. If a transaction has been automatically categorized and you wish to change the category or if a transaction has been labeled as "Uncategorized," see the section below.
**A Note about Categories
The categories available to you are set up and maintained by Family Bank. We have attempted to set up enough categories to fit most any transaction that you might have. However, if you find that you need a specific category that is not available to you, please contact us and we may be able to add it.
Changing the Category for a Transaction
If you would like to re-categorize a transaction, you can go to the "All Transactions" menu to make any changes necessary. To go to the "All Transactions" menu you can click on the appropriate account in the Account list to go to that account's summary page. From there, hold your mouse over the "Transactions" menu at the top, then click on "All Transactions" as seen in the picture below:
If you would prefer to access the "All Transactions" menu from the landing page, you can hold your mouse over the "Accounts" menu at the top of the landing page, then move your mouse over the appropriate account which will bring up that account's menu choices. Move your mouse over the "Transactions" button to bring up the transaction menu choices then click on "All Transactions" as seen in the picture below:
Once you are on the "All Transactions" page, choose the range of dates that you want to retrieve transactions from and click the "Activity Details" button. This will display all transactions from the date range you selected. In order to change the category for any of the transactions displayed, click on the pencil icon next to that transaction. (The pencil icon is circled in red in the picture below.)
Once you have clicked the pencil icon for the transaction you wish to edit, you will be able to change the transaction's description as well as its category. When you have finished making your changes, click the save icon. If you want to cancel your changes, click the undo icon. We've labeled the save and undo icons in the picture below.
Once all of your changes have been made, click the "x" in the upper right corner of the All Transactions page to close it.
Now when you view the Spending report from the landing page, your transactions will be categorized as you set them.
We hope you find this new tool useful and easy to use however if you have any questions or issues using the Spending Report, please don't hesitate to contact us and we will gladly assist you.